RSC – Refrigerant Sniffer Calibrator



RSC – Refrigerant Sniffer Calibrator

VTI's RSC sniffer calibrator is easy to operate, works for years without clogging or requiring a refill, and is far more cost-effective than other refrigerant leak standards. We build our RSCs into small cans of R134a, providing a lifetime supply of refrigerant at typical leak rates. The RSC also features a permeation-style leak element that eliminates the threat of plugging, a common problem with the capillary leak elements commonly used in many refrigerant leak standards.

With its 1/4'' I.D. recess and tapered bottom, the RSC works with a variety of sniffer probe designs and provides repeatable results and 100% gas collection. This "point-source" design for the gas flow assures that refrigerant vapor will not accumulate in "dead spaces" and cause false high readings during detector calibration, which can later result in "passing" bad product.
This unit is only available for the refrigerant R134a.


  • Never clogs: permeation leak element eliminates the threat of clogging
  • Versatile: leak-rate ranges between 0.01 oz/year and 10 oz/year
  • Long-lasting: never needs to be refilled
  • Easy-to-use: minimal user training required
  • Accurate: no false readings or large dead spaces
  • Reliable: easy probe positioning for repeatable results
  • Meets ISO requirements: NIST-traceable, A2LA-accredited Calibration Certification

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