


Humidity and temperature transmitter E2227 is intended for measurement of relative and absolute humidity, temperature and dew point value of air with high accuracy and stability.

The transmitter is designed for indoors use, target applications being home and office HVAC and building automation systems. Compact wall-mount slotted plastic enclosure provides natural ventilation of the sensors.

RS485 interface supporting industry standard Modbus RTU protocol allows direct Fieldbus networking of up to 240 devices. Analog outputs, user switchable to 0-10 V or 4-20 mA may be used to connect the transmitter to a range of secondary instruments, like display panels or controllers.


  • Digital sensors with excellent repeatability and stability
  • Fully calibrated and temperature compensated
  • RS485 Modbus RTU interface
  • Two configurable 0-10 V / 4-20 mA outputs
   Technical Data


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