


Refrigerant detector-transmitter E2638-HFC is a member of new PluraSens® family of multifunctional measurement instruments.

Applications include cold storage warehouses, refrigeration plants, skating arenas, hotels.

The instrument utilises a fully calibrated metal-oxide semiconductor gas sensor with excellent repeatability, stability and long lifetime. The sensor is highly sensitive to a wide range of CFC, HFC and HFO compounds, including R-12, R-123, R-125, R-134a, R-143, R-22, R-404a, R-407c, R-410a, R1234yf and similar.

For demanding applications, a NDIR sensor is available on request.

Two relays with closing contact (optional) may be used for remote signalling or concentration control. Two alarm set-points are user settable.

Two analog outputs and RS485 digital interface with industry standard Modbus RTU protocol can be used to connect the detector to safety or building automation systems.


  • Stable long-life metal-oxide sensor
  • Ranges 0...1000 / 0...2500 ppm halocarbon gas
  • Resolution 1 ppm halocarbon gas
  • Two SPST relays option
  • 2 × 4-20 mA or 0-10 V, RS485






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