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YES-PLUS-LGA Internal temperature & RH sensors, LCD display, internal sample draw pump, inline filter, calibration fitting, rechargeable nickel hydride battery pack & wall adapter, capacity for up to 12 gas sensors, plus an RH and a Temperature sensor. Comes in a plastic storage/carrying case with foam lining.
Sensor Options
 PNP-A+  Infrared carbon dioxide (CO2) smart sensor (0 - 5,000 ppm range) 
 PNP-A1  Infrared carbon dioxide (CO2) smart sensor (0 - 10,000 ppm range) 
 PNP-A2  Infrared carbon dioxide (CO2) smart sensor (0 - 20% volume range) 
 PNP-B  Infrared carbon dioxide (CO2) smart sensor (0 - 5% volume range) 
 PNP-B1  Infrared carbon dioxide (CO2) smart sensor (0 - 100% volume range)
PNP-B+   Infrared methane (CH4) smart sensor (0 - 5% volume range)
 PNP-C  Electrochemical carbon monoxide (CO) smart sensor (0 - 50 ppm range) 
 PNP-C1  Electrochemical carbon monoxide (CO) smart sensor (0 - 50 ppm range), H2 compensated to 900 ppm for use in H2 background 
 PNP-D  Electrochemical nitrogen dioxide (NO2) smart sensor (0 - 5 ppm range) 
 PNP-E  Electrochemical nitric oxide (NO) smart sensor (0 - 100 ppm range) 
 PNP-E1  Electrochemical ethylene (C2H4) smart sensor (0 - 200 ppm range) 
 PNP-E2  Electrochemical ethylene oxide (C2H4O) smart sensor (0 - 20 ppm range) 
 PNP-F  Electrochemical oxygen (O2) smart sensor (0 - 25% volume range) 
 PNP-G  Electrochemical ozone (O3) smart sensor (0 - 1 ppm range). Only available with YESAIR-D. 
 PNP-H  Electrochemical ammonia (NH3) smart sensor (0 - 50 ppm range)
 PNP-I  Electrochemical chlorine (Cl2) smart sensor (0 - 5 ppm range). Only available with YESAIR-D. 
 PNP-J  Electrochemical chlorine dioxide (ClO2) smart sensor (0 - 1 ppm range) 
 PNP-K  Electrochemical hydrogen (H2) smart sensor (0 - 1,000 ppm range) 
 PNP-L  Electrochemical hydrogen sulphide (H2S) smart sensor (0 - 50 ppm range) 
 PNP-M  Electrochemical hydrogen chloride (HCl) smart sensor (0 - 30 ppm range). Only available with YESAIR-D. 
 PNP-N  Electrochemical hydrogen cyanide (HCN) smart sensor (0 - 30 ppm range) 
 PNP-O  Electrochemical hydrogen fluoride (HF) smart sensor (0 - 10 ppm range). Only available with YESAIR-D. 
 PNP-P  Electrochemical sulphur dioxide (SO2) smart sensor (0 - 20 ppm range) 
 PNP-Q  Electrochemical formaldehyde (CH2O) smart sensor (0 - 5 ppm range) 
 PNP-R  Electrochemical arsine (AsH3) smart sensor (0 - 2 ppm range) 
 PNP-S  Electrochemical fluorine (F2) smart sensor (0 - 2 ppm range). Only available with YESAIR-D. 
 PNP-V  Electrochemical phosphine (PH3) smart sensor (0 - 1 ppm range) 
 PNP-W  Electrochemical silane (SiH4) smart sensor (0 - 50 ppm range) 
 PNP-X  Catalytic combustible gas smart sensor (0 - 100% LEL range), pls specify - hydrogen (H2), methane (CH4) or propane (C3H8)
 PNP-Y+  PID TVOCs smart sensor (0 - 300 ppm range) 
 PNP-Z+  PID TVOCs smart sensor (0 - 30 ppm range) 
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