Part Numbers
Analog Models
CGAS-AP-CO2-5K Internal infrared carbon dioxide (CO2) sensor (0 - 5,000 ppm), LCD display, 4-20 mA output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-AP-CO2-5% Internal infrared carbon dioxide (CO2) sensor (0 - 5% vol), LCD display, 4-20 mA output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-AP-CO Internal electrochemical carbon monoxide (CO) sensor (0 - 200 ppm), LCD display, 4-20 mA output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-AP-CH2O Internal electrochemical formaldehyde sensor (0 - 5 ppm), LCD display, 4-20 mA output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-AP-PM Internal, user selectable PM1, PM2.5 (default) or PM10 Particulate sensor, no gas sensor, LCD display, 4-20 mA output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology (can use analog output back to a controller)
CGAS-AP-SLP Internal PID TVOC sensor (0 - 30 ppm), LCD display, 4-20 mA output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
Internal solid state refrigerant (R410A) sensor (0 - 2,000 ppm), LCD display, 4-20 mA output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-AP-SR507A Internal solid state refrigerant (R507A) sensor (0 - 2,000 ppm), LCD display, 4-20 mA output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-AP-RD Single channel, set up to accept a remote dongle style (ESH-B) solid state refrigerant sensor, LCD display, 4-20 mA output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-AP-STVOC Internal solid state TVOC sensor (0 - 500 ppm), LCD display, 4-20 mA output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
Digital Models
CGAS-DP-CO2-5K Internal infrared carbon dioxide (CO2) sensor (0 - 5,000 ppm), LCD display, field configurable BACnet® MS/TP or Modbus® RTU RS-485 output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-DP-CO2-5% Internal infrared carbon dioxide (CO2) sensor (0 - 5% vol), LCD display, field configurable BACnet® MS/TP or Modbus® RTU RS-485 output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-DP-CO Internal electrochemical carbon monoxide (CO) sensor (0 - 200 ppm), LCD display, field configurable BACnet® MS/TP or Modbus® RTU RS-485 output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-DP-CH2O Internal electrochemical Formaldehyde sensor (0 - 5 ppm), LCD display, field configurable BACnet® MS/TP or Modbus® RTU RS-485 output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-DP-PM Internal, user selectable PM1, PM2.5 (default) or PM10 Particulate sensor, no gas sensor, LCD display, field configurable BACnet® MS/TP or Modbus® RTU RS-485 output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-DP-SLP Internal PID TVOC sensor (0 - 30 ppm), LCD display, field configurable BACnet® MS/TP or Modbus® RTU RS-485 output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-DP-SR410A Internal solid state refrigerant (R410A) sensor (0 - 2,000 ppm), LCD display, field configurable BACnet® MS/TP or Modbus® RTU RS-485 output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-DP-SR507A Internal solid state refrigerant (R507A) sensor (0 - 2,000 ppm), LCD display, field configurable BACnet® MS/TP or Modbus® RTU RS-485 output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-DP-RD Set up to accept a remote dongle style (ESH-B) solid state refrigerant sensor, LCD display, field configurable BACnet® MS/TP or Modbus® RTU RS-485 output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-DP-STVOC Internal solid state TVOC sensor (0 - 500 ppm), LCD display, field configurable BACnet® MS/TP or Modbus® RTU RS-485 output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
Dual channel, internal carbon monoxide sensor and (0 - 200 ppm) carbon dioxide sensor (0 - 5,000 ppm), LCD display, field configurable BACnet® MS/TP or Modbus® RTU RS-485 output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-DP-CO-CO2-5% Dual channel, internal carbon monoxide sensor and (0 - 200 ppm) carbon dioxide sensor (0 - 5% vol), LCD display, field configurable BACnet® MS/TP or Modbus® RTU RS-485 output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-DP-CO2-5K-PM Dual channel, internal carbon dioxide sensor (0 - 5,000 ppm) and internal, user selectable PM1, PM2.5 (default) or PM10 Particulate sensor, LCD display, field configurable BACnet® MS/TP or Modbus® RTU RS-485 output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-DP-CO2-5%-PM Dual channel, internal carbon dioxide sensor (0 - 5% vol) and internal,user selectable PM1, PM2.5 (default) or PM10 Particulate sensor, LCD display, field configurable BACnet® MS/TP or Modbus® RTU RS-485 output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
CGAS-DP-CO-PM Dual channel, internal carbon monoxide sensor (0 - 200 ppm) and internal, user selectable PM1, PM2.5 (default) or PM10 Particulate sensor, LCD display, field configurable BACnet® MS/TP or Modbus® RTU RS-485 output, 24 VDC or VAC power, plug & play smart sensor technology
Note: other refrigerant gases may be available upon request
CO sensor UL2075 Approved in models without Option -RHT

Remote Sensors

ESH-B-SR404A Remote dongle style solid state refrigerant sensor R404A (0 - 2,000 ppm)
ESH-B-SR410A Remote dongle style solid state refrigerant sensor R410A (0 - 2,000 ppm)
Factory Options

RH & Temperature sensor

Available with all models. Analog models will output signal for gas reading.


1 SPDT dry contact relay rated 30 volts, 2 amps max,digital model

Available with all models except dual channel models

-RHT-RLY Available with single channel CO or CO2 models
NOTE: Analog models have one analog output. The factory default analog output is the gas reading
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