Recovery Recycle and Recharge

  • AFM100_CPS-ac-flushing-machine_1.jpg
    AFM100 The PROSET® AFM100 series Solvent flush unit does not require reconnection of hoses for reverse flushing. A control valve will allow the user to reverse the flow at any time...

  • CPSCS12DMV4TP6Q-2T.jpg
    Item Description:PRO-SET® Portable Vacuum/Charging StationsPRO-SET® charging stations combine all the necessary tools required to perform a full system evacuation and subsequent ch...

  • CS16DMV5D2P5E-1-LG-CPS-PRODUCTS copy.jpg
    Item Description:PRO-SET® CHARGING STATIONSREFRIGERATION PRO Charging Station: 5V Manifold 80mm R22/134a/404a, Digital Vacuum Gauge (VG200), 5' Premium BV Hoses, 220lb Scale, 6CFM,...

  • CPSCS12DMV4TP6Q-2T.jpg
    CS12DMV4TP6Q Description: “Portable R-134a Automotive Charging - Evacuation Station” These portable, compact charging stations are ideal for small and large repair shops alike p...

  • MT69_CPS-molecular-transformator-recovery_11.jpg
    PROSET MT69 Item Description: The effects of high ambient temperatures and elevated tank pressures on the recovery process are well known. As the temperature / pressure of the rec...

  • CRXRM.jpg
    CRXRM Item Description: PRO-SET ® Refrigerant Recycling Module * Operates with all brands of recovery machines • Easy access one bolt cover with 42 cubic inch solid core drier. • ...

  • AR2700.jpg
    AR2700Series REFRIGERANT RECOVERY/RECYCLING SYSTEMFEATURES AND BENEFITS• Semi-automatic, easy-to-use Recovery,Recycle, Evacuate and Recharge machine• Utilizes manual ba...
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