Condensate Peristaltic Pumps

  • universal.jpg
    universal PART NO. FP 2082/2 Description The top selling Universal is operated by two air temperature sensors. The peristaltic rotary movement creates a continuous pressure meaning...

  • aspen-pumps_standard_photo_0_standard.jpg
    standardPART NO. FP 2081/2 Description Operated by an air conditioning cooling signal, the Standard peristaltic sets the standard for reliability. The remote install options means ...

  • aspen-pumps_mk4_photo_0_mk4.jpg
    mk4PART NO: FP 2080 Description The MK4 peristaltic is operated using two water sensors. The lower sensor comes into contact with water, the heat conductivity from that sensor prov...

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    mechanicalFP2078 / FP2079 (WITH ALARM) Description Bringing mini pump and peristaltic pump technology together. Simply position the remote reservoir (float switch) in the condensat...
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