Silent+ Mini Lime

silent+ mini lime


The Silent+ Mini Lime is designed around a 'total system approach' and includes many features to create a truly silent system. Perfect for offices and meeting rooms. ('Pump only pack' also available).


Once you have selected the required pump, the next step is choosing the desired system. There are 4 types of trunking systems available.

The systems all comprise of all the components required: pump, elbow, 800mm conduit & ceiling plate. For simple installations the Slimline system is perfect (Slimline is a non-extendable range of trunking). The Lime pumps are also available on their own, without a system.

For both simple and more complex installations the BBJ and Inoac system packs are ideal. They can be integrated within the ranges of BBJ trunking and Inoac trunking. This allows for maximum installation flexibility when required.

Finally the Artiplastic can be integrated within the Artiplastic range of trunking accessories respectively.

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