22a Hydrocarbon Refrigerant



Operation: RED TEK 22a possesses similar volumetric refrigerating effects to R22 refrigerants.Operates at lower head pressures and offers improved cooling properties and performance verses R22.Can be used effectively in R22 refrigeration sytems.
Lower Cost: Increased Energy savings up to 30%.
Compatibility: Compatible with most common refrigeration meterials and lubricants including R22a,R502, metal components,minerals and syntehetic(Ester and PAG)lubricants seals,gaskets,hoses,compressors,and o-rings.
Environment:100% natural organic refrigerant, non-ozone depleting,non-global warming.12a is in full compliance with the UN Montreal Protocol.
safety: Does not become caustic when contaminated with moisture or oxygen.Non-toxic,non-carcinogen,autoignition temperature above 800F.No long term health risks have been attributed to RED TEK 22a refrigerant.

RED TEK® 22a, a HC-based refrigerant from Thermofluid Technologies, is a blend of environmentally safe hydrocarbon fluids designed as a direct replacement and retrofit refrigerant option for replacing R22 substitutes in commercial air conditioning and refrigeration systems. 22a operates at lower head pressures and offers improved cooling properties and performance compared to R22. 

Product RED TEK® 22a R22 R502
Chemical Type HC CFC HFC
Composition zeotrope pure pure
G.W.P (CO2=1, 100yr ITH) 3 10,600 1,600
O.D.P. 0 0.9 0
Atmospheric Life < 1 year 130 years 16 years
Thermal Performance +12 - +32% 0 -8%
Oils both mineral synthetic
Leak Detection hydrocarbon halide halide
Boiling Point (C) -31 -30 -26
Autoignition (F) 800 n/a 1385
Latent Heat (1.0 bar, abs) 367 KJ/kg 145 KF/kg 189 KJ/kg
Refrigerant Mass Charge Size (R12=100%) 33% 100% 90%
Toxic Thermal Decomposition None Phosgene Gas Hydro Flouride Gas


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